television shows
In spite of the quality international line-up of scientists and science communicators at September's annual NZ Skeptics Conference in Wellington, it's probably not surprising that most of the media ... (429 words)
Category: Editorial
- conferences - media reporting - psychics - television shows - medium - television -In the first of a new series of columns, Matthew Willey catches up with what celebrity medium Kelvin Cruickshank is up to these days. The dead talk to no-one. Kelvin Cruickshank is either ... (1002 words)
Category: Columns
- charlatans - psychics - television shows - critical appraisal - medium -The discovery of a long-missing body offers a rare chance to put the psychic stars of Sensing Murder to the test. On Saturday 19 May 2012 the remains of Auckland teenager Jane Furlong were found in ... (2249 words)
Category: Features
- cold reading - media reporting - psychics - television shows - critical appraisal - debunking - television -The paranormal field contains both con artists and the well-intentioned. It's often impossible to tell one from the other, but in the end it makes little difference. This article is based on a ... (2667 words)
Category: Features
- cold reading - television shows - psychics - exploitation - facilitated communication -NZ Skeptic editor David Riddell finds Kelvin Cruickshank less impressive in person than he appears on Sensing Murder. A shorter version of this review appeared in the Waikato Times on 9 December ... (1305 words)
Category: Features
- television shows - psychics - medium - television -Yet another Sensing Murder veteran struts her stuff. AS a professed skeptic I have been unconvinced by psychics who claim they can communicate with dead people. However, those who do believe such a ... (2513 words)
Category: Features
- psychics - television shows - critical appraisal -Stuart Landsborough has an interesting night out with one of the Sensing Murder mediums. On 12 May, 2009, Kelvin Cruickshank of Sensing Murder fame came to Wanaka to wow the locals with a one night ... (2160 words)
Category: Features
- television shows - testing claims - psychics - television - medium -Keith Garratt's critique of genealogy (New Zealand Skeptic 77) is a strange mix of arguments. He purports to be addressing genealogy "as normally practised" or "as often practised" but offers no ... (1507 words)
Category: Forum
- television shows - genealogy - gender - māori - television - psychics -Is there anything on television worth watching? Maybe. Who has the most dangerous job in prime-time TV and at the movies? Police officers? Soldiers? Private detectives? None of the above, according ... (2600 words)
Category: Features
- scepticism - television shows - evolution -Being a skeptical parent in New Zealand isn't always easy, but it has its rewards. This was originally presented to the Skeptics' World Convention in Sydney, in November. When I became head of the ... (4156 words)
Category: Features
- television shows - scepticism - media reporting - education -THE opening salvos in the US Skeptics' new Council for Media Integrity's campaign to improve the treatment of science in television entertainment programming were fired in Los Angeles -- the heart of ... (435 words)
Category: Features
- media reporting - television shows -_The Mysterious Origins of Man showed earlier this year on TV3 as a "documentary". It is likely to be a contender for this year's Bent Spoon Award. The following article is excerpted from a piece by ... (1603 words)
Category: Features
- bent spoon award - television shows - creation science -Did you catch TV3's Inside New Zealand documentary programme a few weeks ago on "Satanic Ritual Abuse"? If so, you won't have forgotten it, try as you might to "repress" the memory. It was one of the ... (616 words)
Category: Editorial
- sexual abuse - television shows - pseudoscience -