science curriculum

Alison Campbell looks at the Accelerated Christian Education curriculum. By accident, I came across the curriculum document for Accelerated Christian Education (ACE), which provides teaching and ... (767 words)

Category: Columns

- religious belief - science curriculum - scepticism - scientific method - scientific explanations - bible - education -

A lot of effort goes into science communication, but the effectiveness of much of it is debatable. This article is based on a presentation to the NZ Skeptics Conference in Wellington, 7 September ... (895 words)

Category: Features

- scientific method - scientific explanations - thinking - scepticism - science curriculum - rationalism - investigation -

There may indeed be a place for creationism in the science classroom, but not the way the creationists want. This article is based on a presentation to the 2011 NZ Skeptics Conference. We live in a ... (1865 words)

Category: Columns

- education - pseudoscience - science curriculum - scientific explanations - creationists - critical appraisal - investigation -

Alison Campbell considers the current state of tertiary education. The title for this article is taken from one of the search terms used by people visiting my 'other' blog, Talking Teaching, which I ... (1045 words)

Category: Columns

- science curriculum - education - thinking -

Pictures don't lie, right? Of course they do. And they were deceiving us long before Photoshop made the manipulation of images almost child's play. Today, nobody would bat an eye at a ghostly image ... (1003 words)

Category: Features

- assumptions - biology - photography - investigation - science curriculum -

Alison Campbell reviews a study of why so many struggle with scientific concepts. One of the topics that comes up for discussion with my Sciblogs colleagues is the issue of 'resistance to science' - ... (880 words)

Category: Columns

- education - human nature - scientific explanations - science curriculum -

If students are to pursue careers in science, they need to be able to see themselves in that role. One way to encourage this may be through the telling of stories. This article is based on a ... (3474 words)

Category: Columns

- biographies - biology - education - evolution - human nature - public pressure - scientific method - science curriculum - gender - investigation -

A critique of "Walking with Beasts", by Ian Wishart, Investigate Magazine, June 2002 A Prominent English state school, Emmanuel City Technological College, has recently decided to include creationism ... (2215 words)

Category: Features

- creation science - science curriculum -

Presenting the evidence just isn't enough Bill Peddie In his book Unpopular Essays, Bertrand Russell claims that although he was fully aware of the notion that the human is a rational animal, despite ... (2965 words)

Category: Features

- creation science - religious belief - science curriculum -

EMILY ROSA of Loveland, Colorado, designed and carried out an experiment two years ago that challenges a leading treatment in alternative medicine. Her study, reported in the Journal of the American ... (840 words)

Category: Features

- alternative health treatments - scientific explanations - science curriculum -

It often seems as if home schooling is the domain of hard-line Christians. In fact, they're not the only people who feel that their children are better taught at home than in school. Most people are ... (859 words)

Category: Features

- education - science curriculum -

The organisation responsible for setting exams for New Zealand secondary students receives the Skeptics' annual rap on the knuckles for bad science. The New Zealand Qualifications Authority has won ... (849 words)

Category: News

- bent spoon award - education - science curriculum -

One of the fictions of the "naive-greens" and other "irrationalists" is that "chemicals" are bad while natural products (non-chemicals?) are good. When asked if water is a chemical, and hence evil, ... (537 words)

Category: Editorial

- chemicals - natural products - science curriculum -

Can traditional Maori knowledge be considered scientific? The idea of a separate indigenous science, practised by Maori before European settlement and passed on to their descendants, is an appealing ... (1874 words)

Category: Features

- science curriculum - indigenous knowledge -

Unconvinced Environmentalist Your main article in the March issue (Skeptic, #23), "The Skeptical Environmentalist" by Vincent Gray, is perhaps the worst I have ever read. It consists almost entirely ... (1562 words)

Category: Forum

- environmental issues - religious belief - science curriculum -