Autumn 2014

The game is … on. I've recently rewatched the new Sherlock and my partner always reacts to that misquote.

But the game is on.

There has been a good conversation around climate change amongst the committee members that came about after the article from Barry Brill in Issue 108. This has resulted in the society adopting a position statement and a little shuffling of roles. The statement is prominently presented in this issue.

This has also put me in a position where I felt I needed to explain why I started the process. A climate of change is the result. The title is intentionally in contrast to the article by Barry Brill.

Conference planning is well underway. If you've not heard, the cast of _The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe_1 and George Hrab2 will be joining us. The trip they had planned was actually the primary reason for the late conference this year. The SGU and the Geologic Podcast (absolutely no geology whatsoever) are podcasts. In the online skeptical community these guys are rockstars. For the most part smart, intelligent and quite humble rockstars.

Details and tickets should be available on the conference website within a month. An alert will be sent out when the tickets are ready.

A group of us have been working on a new website. The new site will have an updated members' area. At this point we have the existing articles imported and cleaned up. Migration of the static content should, by now, be well underway. The membership database should also be imported shortly. If you are not sure if we have a current email address for you, now is the time to update that. Once the site is live things like your contact details will be maintained by you.

We have a few ideas for the members' area under development. If you have any suggestions for features or sections you'd like to see on the new website, we're open to suggestions.


Chair-entity, NZ Skeptics