public pressure
Matthew Willey finds Skeptics in the Pub hasn't been as much fun lately This Friday is our Skeptics in the Pub night. I like going, but I do feel inadequate. Keep this to yourself, but I have ... (1281 words)
Category: Columns
- scepticism - rewards - public pressure - stereotypes - research - human nature -Martin Bridgstock worries about a new trend which might, in the long run, threaten both science and skepticism. What exactly is a pseudoscience? The Oxford English Dictionary defines it like this: A ... (1811 words)
Category: Features
- pseudoscience - scientific method - public pressure - alternative medicine - fortune tellers - human nature -The Advertising Standards Authority provides an accessible platform for members of the public to take on the merchants of woo. This article is based on a presentation to the 2012 NZ Skeptics ... (1184 words)
Category: Features
- advertising - assumptions - marketing - public pressure - critical appraisal - custom - investigation - media responsibility - television -Making a submission to a parliamentary committee proved to be a worthwhile exercise. When the Natural Health Products Bill was introduced to Parliament in September 2011 with cross-party support it ... (2317 words)
Category: Features
- alternative health treatments - public pressure - natural products - alternative medicine - complementary medicine - pharmaceuticals -How should a skeptic relate to those who have other belief systems? What does a skeptic and atheist do when they are part of a broader group that is quite loose on empirical evidence and critical ... (908 words)
Category: Features
- education - new age - public pressure - ethics - loonies -If students are to pursue careers in science, they need to be able to see themselves in that role. One way to encourage this may be through the telling of stories. This article is based on a ... (3474 words)
Category: Columns
- biographies - biology - education - evolution - human nature - public pressure - scientific method - science curriculum - gender - investigation -Mass screening programmes have generated considerable controversy in this country. But these programmes have inherent limitations, which need to be better understood In 1996 the Skeptical Inquirer ... (2096 words)
Category: Features
- statistics - disease - double-blind trials - public pressure -In the second of a two-part series, Jim Ring looks at what evidence means to different people Scientific evidence is often difficult to interpret, in medicine in particular. 'An Unfortunate ... (1322 words)
Category: Features
- disease - scientific method - public pressure - ethics - experiments -