"… she successfully resisted the forces pitted against her, giving an astounding manifestation of some power other than that making up the ordinary phenomena of nature." So wrote the Feilding Star on ... (1886 words)
Category: Features
- biodynamics - education - false allegations - illusions - pseudoscience - scientific explanations - spoofs - critical appraisal - debunking - hoax - human nature -The widespread use of what are basically dowsing rods to detect bombs in Iraq and other trouble spots is a striking example of how a lack of critical thinking can lead to all manner of death and ... (2509 words)
Category: Features
- court hearings - hoaxes - human nature - marketing - exploitation - hoax - scams -Autism paper binned Twelve years after it induced panic among parents world-wide, a paper linking the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine to autism has been withdrawn (NZ Herald, 4 February). The ... (1184 words)
Category: News
- ghosts - astrology - medicine - critical appraisal - exploitation - hoax -This excerpt from an NZ Skeptic article of 20 years ago reviewed an evening with self-styled New Zealand 'magnetic healer' Colin Lambert. Presumably the pseudonym 'Alpha Beta' was used to minimise ... (475 words)
Category: Columns
- alternative health treatments - charlatans - faith healing - alternative medicine - hoax - miracle-worker -Breast-pill maker busted A company making pills which falsely claimed to enhance women's breast size has been fined $100,000 for breaching the Fair Trading Act (National Business Review, 16 ... (1219 words)
Category: News
- new - charlatans - hoaxes - exploitation - forecasts - hoax -Bogus chiropractor? I thought they were all bogus! A Motueka man, Michael Dawson, was fined $4000 for describing himself as a chiropractor. This upset Nelson chiropractor Dr John Dawson who was ... (1437 words)
Category: Columns
- flawed research - human nature - pseudoscience - alternative medicine - hoax - treatment -Vicki Hyde dishes out this year's Bent Spoon Award. The NZ Skeptics Bent Spoon for the most irresponsibly gullible statement in the media in the past year goes to Detective Senior Sergeant Ross Levy ... (598 words)
Category: News
- bent spoon award - psychics - exploitation - hoax - medium -