fortune tellers
Martin Bridgstock worries about a new trend which might, in the long run, threaten both science and skepticism. What exactly is a pseudoscience? The Oxford English Dictionary defines it like this: A ... (1811 words)
Category: Features
- pseudoscience - scientific method - public pressure - alternative medicine - fortune tellers - human nature -A 'Wellness Festival' provides a couple of hours' entertainment, if not much more The stallholders at Porirua's inaugural Wellfest in August were a mixed bunch. Among the 50 or so displaying their ... (973 words)
Category: Features
- acupuncture - alternative health treatments - charlatans - alternative medicine - fortune tellers -'Pet psychics' get a boost The flourishing pet psychic industry has received free publicity from an Australian article reprinted in the NZ Herald (23 January). I guess it was the silly season, that ... (1212 words)
Category: News
- psychics - witch hunts - psychology - education - evolutionary biology - fortune tellers - medium -Geller offers to exorcise artwork The Scottish border city of Carlisle says a stone artwork commissioned to mark the millennium has brought floods, pestilence and sporting humiliation, but an ... (1389 words)
Category: News
- exorcism - predictions - ufos - hoaxes - hypersensitivity - electricity - computer generated - fortune tellers - near death experiences - death - forecasts - ufo - niwa -