Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and saviour, Caeayaron?
Yesterday I visited the Go Green Expo, along with Bronwyn, and Daniel and Lisa Ryan. Every year I go, and every year I despair at the almost total lack of environmentally friendly products and services on display. In its place there are alternative therapies and lots and lots of “health” foods promising they'll cure you of your ills.
After the Expo, our debriefing was at the Welsh Dragon Bar, which we wanted to check out as we've booked it for the Friday evening of our Conference this year. The Friday event will hopefully appeal to skeptics, as I've organised some tricky puzzles for everyone to solve. Don't worry - a few of us will be there to help you if you get stuck, and you don't need to try the puzzles if they're not your cup of tea. You are also welcome to just chat with other skeptics. Although, if you do give them a try, you might win a prize!
Although I haven't written about the Go Green Expo in this week's newsletter, I have written about a visit to a Mind, Body, Spirit fair a few of us Wellington skeptics visited a couple of weeks ago (and have no fear, I have an epic rant in mind that I want to write about one of the stalls at the Go Green Expo - you can read all about it in a fortnight). I've also written about a weird phone call and an email I received last week, and I've found another doozy of a claim in that godawful pro Nazi documentary series I've been watching - this time, we're looking at whether Anne Frank may not have written the diary attributed to her.
As well as my ruminations, Brad MacClure, one of our committee members, has been sufficiently incensed by a recent conversation on our Facebook page about the word “woke” that he's put pen to paper, or rather fingers to keys, and written out his reckonings - it's a nicely thought out response.
Finally, we have a second piece from one of the regulars at our Skeptics in Cyberspace meetings - Alistair Blenney. Al's written about a weird cult group advertising near his house - and it's one I've never heard of before, called Caeayaron.