I am a Starseed
Mark Honeychurch (November 7, 2022)
A couple of weeks ago I went to the Upper Hutt “Mind, Body, Spirit” Fair with Bronwyn, as well as Skeptics in the Pub regulars Alexander and Tim. We were there to gawk at the weird and wonderful stalls, and all that they offered.
As we first entered the room, there was a long display of crystals - some made to look natural, and others carved into interesting, sometimes gaudy, shapes. Of course, each type of crystal came with a daft description of how it would improve your life if you owned it.
As an example, one crystal had a card saying:
_Aquacolla has the most divine, soothing & gentle vibration when you hold it.
Aqua evokes feelings of reinvigoration, youth, and dreaminess. Aqua aligns to the 2nd Ray of the Heart Centre of Loving Wisdom and Understanding. This increases the natural integration of your Soul and higher mental clarity that stimulates the spontaneous healing from Love in your mental, emotional and physical bodies with the Light of the Soul. It also helps to heal mental criticism and fear._
There were more stalls selling tarot cards, candles, and other esoteric products, but most of the stalls were either selling a healing service or promoting a group. The groups included Falun Gong, Share International (I promise I'll write more about this fascinating group soon) and a healing club. And the services included lots of different “healing” modalities (reiki, light work, Native American drumming, tuning forks, etc), tarot card reading, and a depressing number of mediums giving “cheap” ($20 to $30) psychic readings.
Tuning fork therapy - I've tried it before, and can wholeheartedly recommend you don't waste your money
The cheapest thing we could find was a “Light Code” reading for $5, so both Bronwyn and I gave it a go. For the reading we had to sit down in a recliner chair and let our host channel the spirits. She was guided by these spirits to first draw us a picture, and then through talking with us she would interpret the picture and write down its meaning.
Here's my picture:
Your divine blueprint.
Activated at this time.
You are a builder-creator.
Keep following the path of your intuition + creativity.
Don't allow others to stifle your creativity - your truth.
Through this process I found out that my soul comes from another galaxy, and that I am currently being activated. I am a builder (although her first guess that I make things out of wood was very wide of the mark), and I should ignore the haters and do what I want to do. Of course, as a skeptic I think this is pretty bad advice. Although some people might try to stifle you because of selfish reasons, a lot of negative advice that people give is useful and should be heeded. After all, outsiders - especially those who are impartial and insightful - are likely to have a fresh perspective of what you do, and if they've taken the time and risk to warn you about something, there's a good chance they've seen something relevant that you were unable to see. So, no, I won't just be trusting my own truth, I will continue to care about what others say about me.
Bronwyn's card was a little more fun and colourful than mine:
The TRUE YOU is about to come out of the dark into the light of day. LISTEN to your heart + guidance. Create a peaceful environment.
Crystals Doodling follow the clues
Both of our cards felt a little like they were the usual Forer/Barnum statements, where everything that is said is positive and encouraging, and we're all important people doing the right things in life. Nobody's bland or boring, or a failure, and we're all amazing people inside. For once I'd love to hear one of these where someone tries to pick up on my negative traits, although as a business model I get the feeling this kind of reading probably wouldn't make for a very sustainable income.
I'll leave you with a picture of this fascinating healer, as I'm still trying to wrap my head around what a “Multidimensional Light Channel Master Quantum Healer” is - and I really don't want to cheat by checking out Vicki's website.