urban myths

Mother 'died of a broken heart' after false psychic message The dramatic rescue of three women kept prisoner for 10 years in a house in Cleveland, Ohio, came too late for the mother of one of them ... (1343 words)

Category: News

- assumptions - psychics - exorcism - testing claims - urban myths - human nature -

Annette Taylor has personal experience of a phenomenon that lies behind many tales of ghosts, demonic possession, and alien abduction. I was asleep. Marley, our cat, was faster asleep by my side. ... (757 words)

Category: Features

- alien abduction - strange phenomena - superstition - urban myths - paranormal -

Adam van Langenberg gives practical suggestions on how to run a high school skeptical society, based on his own successful experience. In late 2010 I was fortunate enough to see noted US skeptics ... (1834 words)

Category: Features

- assumptions - thinking - scepticism - education - urban myths -

Psychic and TVNZ join forces to profit from child's disappearance When Sensing Murder psychic Deb Webber announced on TV One's Breakfast show that missing Auckland toddler Aisling Symes was in "a ... (1282 words)

Category: News

- chiropractors - clairvoyants - court hearings - sightings - loonies - medium - scientology - urban myths -

Waikato University biological sciences lecturer Alison Campbell posts a regular blog on matters biological (sci.waikato.ac.nz/bioblog/). Her aim is to encourage critical thinking among secondary ... (400 words)

Category: Columns

- assumptions - education - genetics - media reporting - urban myths - research - media responsibility -

When the Sunday Star-Times decided to survey the nation on how superstitious New Zealanders are and about what, Vicki Hyde got used as a guinea pig. Part One of her responses was published in the ... (1944 words)

Category: Features

- assumptions - media reporting - statistics - urban myths - survey -

When the Sunday Star-Times decided to survey the nation on how superstitious New Zealanders are and about what, I got used as guinea pig. Having done a lot of survey design and analysis during the ... (1773 words)

Category: Features

- interviews - media reporting - superstition - survey - urban myths -

Annette Taylor learns it's not enough to have your cake, you have to test it too. The Yuletide has well and truly washed up at our place, much food has been eaten and we are still in recovery mode, ... (520 words)

Category: Features

- assumptions - double-blind trials - experiments - food - research - urban myths - dietary supplements -