Alison Campbell reviews Charlatan: America's Most Dangerous Huckster, the Man Who Pursued Him, and the Age of Flimflam, by Pope Brock. Three Rivers Press, New York. Goat glands, greed, and the ... (757 words)
Category: Columns
- alternative health treatments - charlatans - alternative medicine - scams -The widespread use of what are basically dowsing rods to detect bombs in Iraq and other trouble spots is a striking example of how a lack of critical thinking can lead to all manner of death and ... (2509 words)
Category: Features
- court hearings - hoaxes - human nature - marketing - exploitation - hoax - scams -Loretta Marron exposes an Australian Australian alternative cancer therapist. On 26 February this year, trailers were run every hour throughout the day in Australia advertising the Channel Nine ... (638 words)
Category: Features
- alternative health treatments - charlatans - medicine - cancer - exploitation - scams -Mexican cancer clinics continue to do a roaring trade, despite their poor track record. When civil rights leader Martin Luther King was assassinated in 1968, the world lost a voice for decency and ... (744 words)
Category: Columns
- charlatans - court hearings - alternative health treatments - cancer - scams - coretta scott king - quacks - clinics - mexico -The Australasian Consumer Fraud Taskforce has launched a trans-Tasman campaign to inform consumers about the most common types of scams and how to recognise whether an offer is genuine or false. ... (407 words)
Category: Editorial
- charlatans - scams -Early in 2005 Professor Kaye Ibbertson, the relentless grand vizier of the Marion Davis Library and Museum, asked David Cole to offer the Medical Historical Society some comments about the history of ... (2970 words)
Category: Features
- alternative health treatments - charlatans - herbalism - homeopathy - scams - snake oil - quacks -