placebo effect
Michael Edmonds reports on his successful complaint to the Advertising Standards Authority over the dubious science used to promote BioMag underlays. For more on BioMag see NZ Skeptic 91. The BioMag ... (548 words)
Category: Features
- advertising - magnets - marketing - placebo effect - magnetic fields - placebos -As someone currently enduring a bout of shingles I have a few comments to make on the excellent article on the bad science behind the vaccine scare (NZ Skeptic 100). Further to benefits of ... (666 words)
Category: Forum
- biology - placebo effect - immunisation - placebos - pharmaceuticals -Placebos may contain no active ingredients, but they have real effects on the human brain. This article is based on a presentation to the NZ Skeptics 2008 conference in Hamilton, September 26-28. ... (2648 words)
Category: Features
- assumptions - biodynamics - medicine - placebo effect - drugs - placebos - pharmaceuticals -Debunking debriefing It has become a cliché that whenever something bad happens, a horde of counsellors descend on the survivors to make their lives a misery. It's true. Counselling does make you ... (1122 words)
Category: Columns
- placebo effect - psychology - alternative health treatments - counselling - herbal medicine - traditional therapies - placebos - iridology - reflexology -Dark Eddies in the Mainstream So-called conventional medicine isn't immune to nonsense. I do not confine myself to examining the conduct of alternative medicine. The conventional medical literature ... (1071 words)
Category: Columns
- herbalism - faith healing - placebo effect - homeopathy - herbal medicine - alternative medicine - grapefruit seed extract - saw palmetto - antimicrobial - expectorants - anti-tussives - traditional therapies -Silent scientologists and hot cold treatments Pill Popping PHARMAC is the Government drug-purchasing agency. Pharmac's 2005 Annual Review showed that about eight prescription items were issued per ... (914 words)
Category: Columns
- alternative health treatments - acupuncture - education - placebo effect - homeopathy - adhd - ritalin - scientology - prescriptions - pharmac -Bob Brockie gets himself a qualification in acupuncture Last year a healthy anaesthesiologist, Dr Kinsinger, visited nine chiropractors in Oklahoma, claiming that his chest or back were playing up. ... (430 words)
Category: Features
- acupuncture - alternative health treatments - placebo effect -Diffidence based medicine Some doctors see a problem and look for an answer. Others merely see a problem. The diffident doctor may do nothing from sense of despair. This, of course, may be better ... (914 words)
Category: Columns
- indigenous knowledge - psychogenic illness - crime - hysteria - media reporting - placebo effect -