
Waikato University biological sciences lecturer Alison Campbell posts a regular blog on matters biological ( Her aim is to encourage critical thinking among secondary ... (400 words)

Category: Columns

- assumptions - education - genetics - media reporting - urban myths - research - media responsibility -

In an occasional feature we look back at issues from the early days of NZ Skeptic. Twins, souls and abortion I wonder if scepticism toward pseudoscience has any contribution to make to the abortion ... (233 words)

Category: Columns

- biology - ethics - genetics - bible - foetuses -

Why do men have nipples? Nikos Petousis, in his article Skepticism Greek-style answers many questions which have previously puzzled me, for which I thank him sincerely. In return, may I answer one of ... (236 words)

Category: Forum

- biology - genetics - humour - greeks -

Genealogy as normally practised gives us a very misleading view of our genetic heritage. This article was originally presented at the 2005 Skeptics Conference in Rotorua. Over recent years, there has ... (2532 words)

Category: Features

- genetics - theology - genealogy - gender -

Bob Brockie thinks he can explain why the Skeptic editor gets woken up at 2am every Saturday morning Doctors have a name for impulsive, over-energetic, risky, unpredictable, posturing, defiant ... (420 words)

Category: Features

- biology - genetics - history -

I've just witnessed a miracle. Probably. On January 2 I took part in a trip to the outer Hauraki Gulf to search for a bird that until recently had not been seen since the nineteenth century. Three ... (414 words)

Category: Editorial

- miracles - media reporting - genetics - environmental issues -

The Eugenics movement in New Zealand had legislative successes greater than anywhere in the world outside the USA and Nazi Germany Eugenics was a phenomenon that lasted for less than a hundred years, ... (2975 words)

Category: Features

- philosophy - legislation - genetics - eugenics - evolution - assumptions -

Our acceptance of evolution brings with it moral obligations, believes geneticist Professor David Penny, who has been fighting for greater consideration to be given to the well-being of the great ... (2655 words)

Category: Features

- animals - biology - evolution - genetics -

Death was "the Biggest Gift" A Feng Shui practitioner who died while on a life mastery course in Fiji was ready to leave his body, his widow believes. Stephanie Challis, pictured in the Nelson Mail ... (1345 words)

Category: News

- new age - experiments - scientific explanations - religious belief - genetics - homeopathy -

In Darwin's Shadow: The life and science of Alfred Russel Wallace, by Michael Shermer. Oxford University Press. Alfred Russel Wallace was the co-discoverer of perhaps the most revolutionary idea in ... (447 words)

Category: Reviews

- book - history - genetics - biographies -