The Prehistoric Boy Racer Gene
Bob Brockie (August 1, 2004)
Bob Brockie thinks he can explain why the Skeptic editor gets woken up at 2am every Saturday morning
Doctors have a name for impulsive, over-energetic, risky, unpredictable, posturing, defiant behaviour -- they call it ADHD (attention deficit hyper-active disorder) and it affects mainly boys.
About 12 years ago geneticists discovered a gene which "contributes" to this naughty behaviour. Nearly half the impulsive naughty boys in the US have this so-called "7R" gene.
Geneticists know that this gene is very ancient and think we may have inherited it from apes. The risk-taking behaviour may have helped prehistoric hunter-gatherers to survive, but once people settled down and became farmers, the impulsive behaviour became in-appropriate and socially disruptive.
Paradoxically, the gene has become commoner in some parts of the world over the last 10,000 years. Now a Dr Chen leads a team of Californian geneticists who suggest this is because risk-taking people left their ancestral Africa and China to migrate long distances, taking their overdrive genes and unpredictable behaviour with them. Dr Chen sampled 39 communities round the world and fiound that the risk-takers have migrated to the ends of the Earth where their 7R genes now concentrate.
His team found that nearly all the Yanomamo men up the Amazon and those ferocious guys in New Guinea have the gene. These blokes live in a state of local aggressive anarchy, spend all day adorning themselves and posturing, sharpening their elaborate weapons, and eating and sleeping separately from their hard-working women.
By contrast, Dr Chen's team found the risk-taking gene was rare or totally absent among Kalahari bushmen and Chinese farmers. These long-settled men live peaceably, don't make fancy weaponry or show off. They help rear their children and share everything with their wives. No wonder the Yanomamo are known as "The Fierce People" and the bushmen as "The Gentle People". Europeans and other Africans fall somewhere in between these extremes.
And what about us? Whether Polynesian or Pakeha, we New Zealanders are all descended from long distance risk-taking migrants. If Dr Chen's theory is right, our boys should be awash with the 7R gene.
My impression is that we have plenty of defiant, risk-taking, hyperactive boys. Just what we need to play rugby. And what about our boy racers, all those kids sent home from school for disruptive behaviour, and our 12,000 kids on Ritalin, the drug used to treat the condition?
Enough of this armchair theorising. Some geneticist will have to go out and survey our youths' 7R genes. Our boy racer genes.
Originally published in the Dominion Post, July 22, 2002