In a setback for the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM), a school kid has been told that his rights at his school don't cover being able to wear a colander on his head for a school picture. ... (134 words)
Category: News
- religion - fsm - pastafarianism -Adding legitimacy to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, the first citizenship has just taken place with a new citizen wearing a colander on his head. Bjorn Oback, from Germany, wore a ... (83 words)
Category: News
- religion - fsm -A couple of weeks ago Rachel Hoover from Illinois was allowed to use a photo with her wearing a colander for her driver's license, as it is the usual headgear for pastafarians. This week she has been ... (74 words)
Category: News
- religion - fsm -