Skeptical Thoughts

Mark Honeychurch

18 classes of health product are being de-funded by the NHS in the UK, including 7 that are blacklisted: Homeopathy Herbal treatments Omega-3 fatty acid compounds (fish oil) Co-proxamol Rubefacients ... (61 words)

Category: News

- pseudoscience - nhs -
Mark Honeychurch

A friend recently contacted the OTO to ask about us attending one of their services, and last night we went to their Gnostic Mass in Wellington. The OTO - Ordo Templi Orientis (Order of Oriental ... (844 words)

Category: News

- religion - oto - occult - crowley -
Mark Honeychurch

Adding legitimacy to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, the first citizenship has just taken place with a new citizen wearing a colander on his head. Bjorn Oback, from Germany, wore a ... (83 words)

Category: News

- religion - fsm -
Mark Honeychurch

In September, a 70 year old man apparently burst into flames in London. It's a sad event, and a horrible way to die. The press have started calling it a case of Spontaneous Human Combustion - the ... (198 words)

Category: News

- pseudoscience - shc -
Mark Honeychurch

A new pharmacy called Wellworks, focussing on natural health products, is due to open in Wellington in January. The store is hoping to offer kombucha to drink at a "wellness" bar, along with many ... (128 words)

Category: News

- pseudoscience - pharmacy - cam -