Skeptical Thoughts
Mark Honeychurch
February 25, 2018
Mark Honeychurch
The conspiracy theorists are out in force already after the recent school shooting tragedy. One of the survivors, 17 year old David Hogg, has gone on national TV in the US to publicly state that he's ... (214 words)
Category: News
- conspiracy - shooting -Mark Honeychurch
An Indonesian teenager has apparently "baffled" doctors by laying eggs. He's laid about 20 eggs over the last 2 years, and x-ray images show an egg inside him before he lays it. The x-ray image makes ... (246 words)
Category: News
- scam - magic - egg -Mark Honeychurch
In a setback for the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM), a school kid has been told that his rights at his school don't cover being able to wear a colander on his head for a school picture. ... (134 words)
Category: News
- religion - fsm - pastafarianism -Mark Honeychurch
The UK Mirror recently carried a weird story claiming that there are numbers so big that they would create a black hole in your brain if you could memorise them. The title of the article is: "The ... (277 words)
Category: News
- pseudoscience - physics -Mark Honeychurch
Liza Schneider has written an article for the BoP Times, printed online in the Herald, which promotes nonsense therapies for animals. I've complained about Liza in the past, to the ASA, the NZVA and ... (90 words)
Category: News
- pseudoscience - vet -