A heartstring-tugging appeal in the NZ Herald doesn't tell the full story. Jesse Bessant is a little boy from Auckland with a very rare brain tumour. He has a ganglioglioma, a tumour that arises from ... (765 words)
Category: Columns
- cancer - charlatans - medicine - doctors - drugs -A 'natural' way to manage teething pain has no plausible mechanism. Parents, especially new parents like myself, are a vulnerable group. We tend to be full of anxiety that we are doing the 'right ... (1235 words)
Category: Features
- alternative health treatments - chemicals - natural products - alternative medicine - doctors - pharmaceuticals -The world-wide panic over the MMR vaccine was sparked by the actions of one doctor who breached several standards of scientific practice. This article is based on a presentation to the 2010 NZ ... (1927 words)
Category: Columns
- disease - health scares - scientific explanations - critical appraisal - doctors - hysteria - myth - traditional medicine -NZ Skeptic issues 96, 97 and 98 contained articles presenting different viewpoints on the 'Unfortunate Experiment' at National Women's Hospital and its aftermath. Wellington registered nurse and NZ ... (4755 words)
Category: Features
- cancer - court hearings - scientific method - clinics - doctors -This article is a response to 'Truth is the daughter of time, and not of authority': Aspects of the Cartwright Affair by Martin Wallace, NZ Skeptic 96. The Cartwright Inquiry1 was held after the ... (2926 words)
Category: Features
- cancer - diagnosis techniques - doctors - investigation -While in the gym, Alison Campbell considers some health issues. I had another learning experience down at the gym this afternoon. There I was, happily pedalling away on the exercycle (I believe in ... (691 words)
Category: Columns
- cancer - flawed research - health scares - doctors - intolerance -White-tail spiders: a web of misconceptions Linley Boniface is to be congratulated for her humorous take on the prevailing hysteria around alleged "white-tail spider bites" (Dominion Post 9 March). ... (1126 words)
Category: Columns
- alternative health treatments - pseudoscience - medicine - alternative medicine - doctors - pharmaceuticals -Chiropractic argument 'spurious' In his previous Hokum Locum column (NZ Skeptic 90) John Welch commented on an article on Chiropractic that appeared in the Marlborough Express on 22 August 2008. This ... (859 words)
Category: Forum
- chiropractors - creation science - creationists - doctors -Why is Canterbury University fostering an alternative therapy at its Health Centre? Should Canterbury University be funding pseudo-science? It was implied that this was occurring in a recent ... (1169 words)
Category: Features
- alternative health treatments - auras - biodynamics - alternative medicine - doctors - performance-based research fund -