Gordon Hewitt

Gordon Hewitt is a counsellor and psychotherapist in private practice. He has previously taught genetics and evolutionary biology at university.

Gordon Hewitt

This week, Gordon Hewitt, one of NZ Skeptics' founding members tells us why he's a skeptic. Take it away, Gordon… I had just turned 12 and was in my second month of secondary school when my father ... (442 words)

Category: News

Gordon Hewitt

In 2005 The Kansas State Board decided to permit the teaching of Intelligent Design (a form of Creationism) as an alternative to evolution. One letter writer to a San Francisco paper responded: “it ... (947 words)

Gordon Hewitt

Creationism is not a new problem in New Zealand schools, as this article excerpt from NZ Skeptic 18 (December 1990) illustrates. A report of a survey conducted in 1988 In order to ascertain to what ... (426 words)

Category: Features

- creation science - education - creationists -
Gordon Hewitt

As a counsellor and psychotherapist also trained in science and in scepticism I have been disappointed in the apparent lack of depth to the sceptical analysis of counselling that seems to be present ... (738 words)

Category: Features

- psychology - counselling techniques -
Gordon Hewitt

This tape was very intermittent and parts of this account will seem disconnected and bitty. In addition, Gordon had some excellent slides and diagrams which obviously we can not reproduce here. ... (933 words)