Non-Overlapping Magisteria?

Mark Honeychurch

Over the next couple of months I'm hoping to visit a few interesting religious groups, to get a feel for them - what they believe, how they act, who attends their events. So, all being well, after ... (348 words)

Category: News

Mark Honeychurch

For a long time now I've been promising to take a friend of mine to a Christian Science church service. He's been interested in doing this because he was brought up in the church in America, but ... (641 words)

Category: News

Mark Honeychurch

Apparently a UFO was seen in Hawkes Bay late last week. Several people reported seeing a large rectangular shaped object in the sky at dusk, with green and red lights, moving strangely. A MetService ... (940 words)

Category: News

Mark Honeychurch

I've watched a few videos from a recent panic where people show themselves sticking a magnet to their arm at the injection site of their COVID vaccine. The same magnet pushed against other parts of ... (792 words)

Category: News