Does the COVID vaccine contain a microchip?

I've watched a few videos from a recent panic where people show themselves sticking a magnet to their arm at the injection site of their COVID vaccine. The same magnet pushed against other parts of the arm will fall off and not stick. Could this be proof that there's a metallic microchip in the vaccine?

We can look to history to solve this one, as well as trying out a practical experiment. Back in the day skeptic James Randi went to Japan to take on the case of Magnet Men - people who could stick objects to their skin, claiming it was due to some kind of magnetism. Here's what Randi's solution was:

Talcum powder! Randi's observation was that flat metallic or magnetic objects, like coins or neodymium magnets, would stick to skin if it was oily or sweaty - and, for most of us, that's pretty normal for our skin. By covering the person's skin in talc, the metal object no longer had that layer to stick to, and the object would no longer stick.

Not content to accept this at face value, I employed the help of one of my daughters to test this out. As I'm a somewhat hairy man, our first task was to shave a patch of hair from my upper arm. Having completed that, we grabbed a small flat neodymium magnet and tried to stick it to my arm - success! Once in place, even tipping my arm beyond 90 degrees and shaking gently was not enough to dislodge the magnet.

Next we covered the shaved area of my arm in talcum powder, and tried again. No matter how much I tried, I could not get the magnet to stick any more. We tried the same experiment with a coin, and had the same results. Without talc the coin stuck to my arm, but with talc it just fell off. I haven't had the COVID vaccine yet, but still the magnet, and coin, both stuck to my arm without the talc - suggesting that maybe this is not a real phenomenon. My next stop will be to try this out on one of my vaccinated friends, and see what happens.

Of course, there's another obvious reason why this isn't real - technology just isn't at the point where we can miniaturise a powered microchip to the point where we can inject it into someone. The dream of nanobots is decades away, and the closest we have today that is injectable is an RFID chip for pets - and it's not small. I have one I plan to inject myself with at some point, but I've yet to find someone who's game enough to stab me with the chunky needle.

Beyond just getting a chip inside someone's arm, presumably the government needs their chip to actually do something like monitoring our location, and do it reliably.

For location, the vaccine chip would probably need to have GPS. I have a small GPS chip that I've played with in electronics projects, and it's not small. We've shrunk GPS chips a lot, but not to the point where we can inject them - the smallest is about centimetre cubed. And, that chip will just receive location data from GPS satellites, it can't send any data. To send data, you'd need another chip and an antenna. If the government wanted to use the phone network, that would probably need another 1cm chip for GSM.

And then of course there's power. Without power, none of this is going to work. RFID chips can be as small as they are because they aren't powered. When you hold them up to an RFID reader, within a cm or so, the reader supplies the chip with a small amount of power which they pick up via an induction coil and use to send a brief signal with their ID. However, unless the government is following everyone they want to track very, very closely with mobile electromagnetic induction coils, the chip in the vaccine is going to need a battery, or some previously unseen method of converting either the body's movement or biological processes into power. And there's absolutely no evidence that any of this technology exists in a usable form.

Obviously this is all very conspiratorial. To believe that it is true necessitates us thinking that governments around the world are suppressing knowledge about super advanced technology. Technology that has somehow been designed, tested, perfected and manufactured without anyone leaking it to the press or stealing the precious Intellectual Property and selling it to rival governments. But somehow I don't think the average person who is fooled by the idea that there are microchips in the COVID vaccine is worrying too much about the logical consequences of this one seemingly inconsequential belief.