Skeptical Thoughts
Mark Honeychurch
November 27, 2016
Mark Honeychurch
After last Sunday's show, when I talked about Bioptron at the Go Green Expo, a Bioptron rep called up RadioLive and asked for me to contact them. I called, and was then contacted the next day by a ... (196 words)
Category: News
- pseudoscience - bioptron -Mark Honeychurch
We have some great speakers for this year's Skeptics Conference, including Susan Gerbic who runs the Guerrilla Skepticism on Wikipedia project. Her team put a lot of work into adding a skeptical ... (141 words)
Category: News
- events - nzskeptics -Mark Honeychurch
There have been a few stories in the news recently about earthquakes that have left me feeling skeptical: Palmerston North woman claims her assistant dog can anticipate earthquakes ... (562 words)
Category: News
- pseudoscience - earthquake -