Skeptics Conference
Mark Honeychurch (November 27, 2016)
We have some great speakers for this year's Skeptics Conference, including Susan Gerbic who runs the Guerrilla Skepticism on Wikipedia project. Her team put a lot of work into adding a skeptical angle to Wikipedia pages and fleshing out pages of interest to skeptics, such as those of famous scientists.
For example, Susan recently told me that the Wikipedia page for homeopathy has been viewed over 255,000 times in the last 90 days. Many Wikipedia pages uncritically talk about pseudoscience as if it's fact, and with so many people using Wikipedia as their primary source of information there's huge potential for people to be horribly misinformed. This is why it's great that there are people out there making sure Wikipedia reflects an evidence perspective of topics.
The conference runs from the 2nd to 4th of December in Queenstown. Tickets are available from