Skeptical Thoughts
Mark Honeychurch
September 18, 2016
Mark Honeychurch
The Effective Altruism movement is becoming popular in New Zealand. The basic idea is that logic and critical thinking can be applied to charity giving, and that charities range from being great at ... (114 words)
Category: News
- science - altruism -Mark Honeychurch
Chris Johnson created a coffee table book a few years ago, quoting atheists talking about their life without god. The book was titled A Better Life, and the strap line explains exactly what the book ... (225 words)
Category: News
- religion - atheism -Mark Honeychurch
Mark Hanna at the Society for Science Based Healthcare has complained recently about the Napier Courier's column written by a local homeopathy business, called "Homeopathy Hub". the weekly column ... (172 words)
Category: News
- pseudoscience - homeopathy -Mark Honeychurch
Stuff have reprinted another article from Juice Daily, which claims that garlic, pineapple, a salt water gargle and chicken soup can help with allergies. Of course, this is all unproven tosh and ... (247 words)
Category: News
- pseudoscience - juicing -Mark Honeychurch
As part of the US presidential election circus, and given that both candidates are two of the oldest candidates ever, health records have become a part of the debate. In an attempt to allay fears ... (189 words)
Category: News
- politics - trump -