Now that I've found out about Rebel Wisdom, I'm hooked. I usually have to go hunting for my nonsense, but the Rebel Wisdom website has everything in one place: Rupert Sheldrake (who has silly ideas ... (899 words)
Category: News
- ufos -Although formal religion is continuing to decline in this country, belief in the supernatural remains high. That seems to be the main conclusion to be drawn from a recent survey of New Zealand ... (425 words)
Category: Editorial
- ufos - religious belief - superstition - religion - survey -NZ UFOs get attention The call for UFO sightings from the Tauranga-based UFOCUS group caught the attention of the Waikato Times (July 28) which ran a two-page feature on alien visitations in this ... (1271 words)
Category: News
- ufos - ufo - scientology - witches - out-of-body experiences -Geller offers to exorcise artwork The Scottish border city of Carlisle says a stone artwork commissioned to mark the millennium has brought floods, pestilence and sporting humiliation, but an ... (1389 words)
Category: News
- exorcism - predictions - ufos - hoaxes - hypersensitivity - electricity - computer generated - fortune tellers - near death experiences - death - forecasts - ufo - niwa -One of our members almost spots a UFO In late August 2003, three friends and I spent several nights in a hut on the north bank of the Whataroa River in South Westland, 5km from the river mouth. One ... (718 words)
Category: Features
- ufos - strange phenomena - sightings -Dying is Bad for Business An Auckland law firm was going to court late last year (Dominion Post, November 1) to block the opening of a funeral parlour opposite it. Death (or dealing with it) offends ... (1267 words)
Category: News
- feng shui - ufos - charlatans - testing claims - alternative health treatments - health industry -Justice at Last Two recent items in the overseas press show that NZ is lagging behind in recognising that the child sex abuse panic has been greatly overblown. In a case which closely paralleled the ... (723 words)
Category: News
- sexual abuse - false allegations - ufos - charlatans -I hate to spoil a good story, especially a skeptical one, but is there something slightly adrift with William Ireland's piece on the Kaikoura UFOs? He says the camera was looking down at an angle of ... (144 words)
Category: Forum
- ufos - strange phenomena - testing claims -An old mystery now looks rather less mysterious In December 1978 and January 1979 there was a spate of sightings of lights in the night sky around New Zealand, some of them seen from aircraft. Many ... (1377 words)
Category: Features
- ufos - strange phenomena -Wherein intrepid ace reporter Vicki Hyde spills the beans on what Skeptics get up to at their annual meetingsā¦ Perhaps Someone was trying to tell us something - why else would we end up with a ... (1426 words)
Category: Features
- coincidence - ufos - creation science -UFOs & Alien Contact: Two Centuries of Mystery, by Robert E. Bartholomew & George S. Howard; 1998. Prometheus Books, Amherst, NY, US. ISBN 1-57392-200-5 Readers of NZ Skeptic will have seen ... (768 words)
Category: Reviews
- ufos - strange phenomena - psychology -UFOs & ALIEN CONTACT: Two Centuries Of Mystery, Robert Bartholomew and George Howard. Prometheus Books, Amherst, NY, USA. READERS of NZ Skeptic will have seen R.E. Bartholomew's article "The ... (764 words)
Category: Reviews
- ufos - alien abduction - psychology -IT'S nothing short of a miracle that this issue has made it to the mailbox. For the last six months the family, including our cat and retired cattle dog, have been living in a small housetruck. (Just ... (633 words)
Category: Editorial
- strange phenomena - thinking - ufos -THE YEAR 1909 was a tense time for New Zealanders. For centuries, Britain had the world's unrivalled navy, and an invasion of the motherland was unthinkable. Her colonies and outposts enjoyed similar ... (2121 words)
Category: Features
- ufos - media reporting -THE GREYS may have crash landed on Earth in 1947, but the real invasion happened about two years ago when Bill Barker's SCHWA merchandise first hit the streets. Since then it seems that there is Grey ... (716 words)
Category: News
- ufos - alien abduction -THE other day I was doing a spot of painting with the help of a friend. She was telling me about a fancy dress party she'd gone to, and how some friends had dressed up all in green, as aliens. "They ... (598 words)
Category: Editorial
- astronomy - ufos -A conversation off the Skeptics newsgroup. First writer: How many UFO believers does it take to change a lightbulb? none -- lights in the sky are alien craft, and skeptical talk of white hot ... (212 words)
Category: News
- strange phenomena - ufos -It is rare that Nelson interests the world's news media. The "sheep suspended from pine trees" story was sufficiently bizarre to get their attention. For those who missed the story: Some people ... (420 words)
Category: Features
- ufos - media reporting -A sceptical mini-history of the crashed flying saucer saga Carl Wyant Sceptics will be amused to hear that the Great Roswell UFO Cover-up has just gained a new lease on life. Yes, as if the almost ... (1409 words)
Category: Features
- ufos - history -Recently I had a UFO experience in the comfort and privacy of my own home. Or rather, I would have had a UFO experience if it had been a UFO. Unfortunately, however, I found a rational explanation ... (1162 words)
Category: Features
- ufos - strange phenomena - scientific explanations -Seeing shouldn't always be believing, as a Nelson skeptic discovered thirty years ago. One night nearly thirty years ago, three men were driving back to Nelson from French Pass after a fishing trip. ... (892 words)
Category: Features
- ufos - strange phenomena - sightings - scepticism -One of the perpetrators told the story behind the Grand Interplanetary Hoax of 1952 to the 1994 Skeptics' Conference. Hoaxes have probably been a part of life for thousands of years, ranging in ... (4545 words)
Category: Features
- spoofs - sightings - strange phenomena - ufos -Lights in the sky are not always aliens on the lookout for earthlings to abduct. Sometimes they are mostly a load of hot air. On Wednesday afternoon we saw a UFO. My wife, Fleur, did not say,"Look -- ... (748 words)
Category: Features
- ufos - scientific explanations -Continued from last issue. Prices are US dollars. UFOs Billig, Otto, Flying Saucers: Magic in the Skies, Schenkman Books, 1982, H-$19.95, ISBN 0-87073-833-X; P-$11.95, ISBN 0-87073940-9. Klass, ... (210 words)
Category: News
- book - ufos - archaelogy -Dr J.F. De Bock gave the 1992 Conference an update on the study of UFOs. The study of UFOs (UFOlogy) started out as research on unidentified atmospheric (or aerial) phenomena, but rapidly became ... (243 words)
Category: Features
- ufos - strange phenomena -