traditional therapies

A visit to the birthplace of science prompts some thoughts on spatial and temporal patterns in alternative medicine. There is no special reason for skeptics in New Zealand to follow news from ... (817 words)

Category: Columns

- alternative health treatments - cancer - alternative medicine - māori - traditional therapies -

Debunking debriefing It has become a cliché that whenever something bad happens, a horde of counsellors descend on the survivors to make their lives a misery. It's true. Counselling does make you ... (1122 words)

Category: Columns

- placebo effect - psychology - alternative health treatments - counselling - herbal medicine - traditional therapies - placebos - iridology - reflexology -

Dark Eddies in the Mainstream So-called conventional medicine isn't immune to nonsense. I do not confine myself to examining the conduct of alternative medicine. The conventional medical literature ... (1071 words)

Category: Columns

- herbalism - faith healing - placebo effect - homeopathy - herbal medicine - alternative medicine - grapefruit seed extract - saw palmetto - antimicrobial - expectorants - anti-tussives - traditional therapies -