"… she successfully resisted the forces pitted against her, giving an astounding manifestation of some power other than that making up the ordinary phenomena of nature." So wrote the Feilding Star on ... (1886 words)
Category: Features
- biodynamics - education - false allegations - illusions - pseudoscience - scientific explanations - spoofs - critical appraisal - debunking - hoax - human nature -Dihydrogen monoxide is colorless, odorless, and tasteless, and kills uncounted thousands of people every year. Most deaths are caused by accidental inhalation of the DHMO, but the dangers of ... (377 words)
Category: News
- spoofs - humour -A screenplay by Lloyd Fricker The recent decision by the Kansas (U.S.A.) Board of Education to discourage the teaching of evolution in public schools raised the question "what would Darwin think"? In ... (1478 words)
Category: Features
- education - creation science - spoofs -The largely unremarkable hairless apes of Sol 3 really are largely unremarkable: the myth of the wandering womb. Botulin Saxx Institute for Exobiology, Proxima Centauri 4 Introduction On his ... (1684 words)
Category: Features
- spoofs - biology -About the time this issue makes it to the letterbox, those Americans not glued to chat-shows or the latest update on alien abductions will be treated to a documentary on recreations of ancient ... (852 words)
Category: Features
- archaelogy - spoofs -One of the perpetrators told the story behind the Grand Interplanetary Hoax of 1952 to the 1994 Skeptics' Conference. Hoaxes have probably been a part of life for thousands of years, ranging in ... (4545 words)
Category: Features
- spoofs - sightings - strange phenomena - ufos -Our intrepid correspondent finds himself suffering from that most fashionable of psychological afflictions, Multiple Personality Disorder! The Jekyll/Hyde character has been used to express duality ... (610 words)
Category: Columns
- psychology - spoofs -