That was never six months just then -- it felt much longer. Banised to the depths of New Zealand, in Tuatapere (almost as far south west as you can get in the South Island), life took on a gentler ... (517 words)
Category: Editorial
- environmental issues - millennium - witch hunts -IT IS WELL, at the start of a discussion, to declare an interest. So, I begin by admitting that my fascination with the year 2000 was aroused nearly 70 years ago. Like many mechanically-minded lads ... (1917 words)
Category: Features
- millennium - predictions - numerology -The Bible (or, more precisely, the Torah) is a heavenly word-find puzzle, according to Israeli mathematicians. THE BIBLE CODE, a new book touting the miraculous prophetic nature of the Hebrew Torah ... (1180 words)
Category: Features
- religious belief - millennium - numerology -Following the mass suicide of the Heaven's Gate cult, Alan Hale, co-discoverer of Comet Hale-Bopp, released a statement at a press conference in Cloudcroft, New Mexico. He began by reading from Carl ... (995 words)
Category: Features
- astronomy - predictions - millennium -Vicki Hyde suggests (Skeptic 30) that we are in for a lot more doomsday predictions as we approach the year 2000. I am afraid she is right, but why should fundamentalists get so excited about a round ... (637 words)
Category: Features
- predictions - religious belief - numerology - millennium -Nostradamus -- The 1994 Annual Almanac by V.J. Hewitt. Random House, $15.95 This book explains an approach to interpreting the French "prophet" Nostradamus's predictions. It is the culmination of 16 ... (762 words)
Category: Reviews
- predictions - numerology - millennium -Are the End Times drawing nigh? Are fires and floods from heaven on the brink of seething down in wrathful purge, damning the damned and raising the faithful? Is God's finger poised on the panic ... (464 words)
Category: Columns
- religious belief - predictions - millennium -For those of you who didn't notice, the end of the world came and went on November 14th. It also ended on November 24th, and is set to do so at the end of this year. If you've got a Christmas trip to ... (615 words)
Category: Features
- predictions - millennium -John Cole, editor of Creation/Evolution, recently wrote of his tendency toward hair-pulling, in the National Centre for Science Education Reports, Vol 12 No 2 (Summer 1992). Anti-evolutionists ... (292 words)
Category: Features
- millennium - religious belief -