
Eyewitness testimony is commonly regarded as very high quality evidence. But recent research has shown there are many ways memories of events can become contaminated. This article is based on a ... (1298 words)

Category: Features

- assumptions - crime - eye witnesses - experiments - witnesses - memory - investigation -

One possible source of the outlandish reports given by children in cases such as the Christchurch Civic Creche affair was described at the 2003 Skeptics' Conference. In recent years the western media ... (478 words)

Category: Features

- memory - counselling techniques - experiments -

Claire Le Couteur reports from the 2003 Skeptics' Conference in Wellington. This year's conference, held at Victoria University, began with a social gathering followed by a presentation by artist and ... (739 words)

Category: Features

- conferences - memory - environmental issues - astronomy -

Alternative Child Healthcare The following correspondence between nursing lecturer Sue Gasquoine and Skeptics' chairentity Vicki Hyde is reproduced with the permission of the participants -ed. Hello ... (1343 words)

Category: Forum

- disease - media reporting - religious belief - astrology - memory - environmental issues -

False Memory re Subs? In the latest NZ Skeptic, beside the chair-entity's report, there is a false history of subscriptions. From written records: the sub was $10 for '86 to '88, then $20 for '89 to ... (703 words)

Category: Forum

- memory - predictions - humour - health industry - food -

It was sad to see - two shelves of Lynley Hood's A City Possessed, heavily discounted at Whitcoulls. Released only last October it hasn't taken long for the book to hit the bargain bin. Perhaps it ... (373 words)

Category: Editorial

- sexual abuse - false allegations - counselling techniques - memory -

Taking a leaf from the UK Skeptic, we're turning our news clippings into a column. Which means I get to read them - never used to before! Many thanks to all those who've sent in material, and please ... (1180 words)

Category: News

- charlatans - memory - strange phenomena -

Did a British regiment really vanish mysteriously at Gallipoli? The Story Gallipoli, August 28, 1915. The following is an account of a strange incident that happened on the above date, in the ... (2753 words)

Category: Features

- memory - strange phenomena -

Did he or didn't he? THROUGH various articles, books, radio and TV programs, most New Zealanders will be familiar with the name Richard Pearse. Many are convinced that Pearse flew before the first ... (884 words)

Category: Features

- memory - media reporting - biographies -

Research is revealing how people can develop memories of things that never really happened. The most common cause of wrongful convictions in the judicial system is mistaken identification -- US ... (2762 words)

Category: Features

- false allegations - memory -

In the years since the Skeptics' beginnings in 1985 we've seen paranormal and pseudoscientific fads come and go. The Shroud of Turin was big back then, till carbon dating did it in (except in the ... (605 words)

Category: Editorial

- false allegations - memory - sexual abuse - pseudoscience - recovered memory -