Michael Edmonds reports on his successful complaint to the Advertising Standards Authority over the dubious science used to promote BioMag underlays. For more on BioMag see NZ Skeptic 91. The BioMag ... (548 words)
Category: Features
- advertising - magnets - marketing - placebo effect - magnetic fields - placebos -The widespread use of what are basically dowsing rods to detect bombs in Iraq and other trouble spots is a striking example of how a lack of critical thinking can lead to all manner of death and ... (2509 words)
Category: Features
- court hearings - hoaxes - human nature - marketing - exploitation - hoax - scams -Alison Campbell thinks there are better ways to lose weight than one recently touted option. As I've said previously, I find Facebook good for keeping up with friends and family, and profoundly ... (646 words)
Category: Columns
- alternative health treatments - marketing - natural products - alternative medicine - herbal medicine -The Advertising Standards Authority provides an accessible platform for members of the public to take on the merchants of woo. This article is based on a presentation to the 2012 NZ Skeptics ... (1184 words)
Category: Features
- advertising - assumptions - marketing - public pressure - critical appraisal - custom - investigation - media responsibility - television -Ian Luxmoore investigates the claims for BioMag underlays. I hear and see advertising for the BioMag Underlay on a regular basis in New Zealand media. They advertise extensively on TV and radio and ... (1889 words)
Category: Features
- advertising - magnets - marketing -Minority retort Elizabeth Rata's article Ethnic Fundamentalism in New Zealand is a series of extraordinary assertions, supported not with reason and evidence but emotionalism and error. Rata defines ... (1458 words)
Category: Forum
- marketing - media reporting - ethnic fundamentalism - ethnicity - media responsibility -This article was originally presented on National Radio's Sunday Supplement Be wary of "the health professional you see most often". In some cases be afraid, be very afraid. Why? Well in some cases, ... (734 words)
Category: Features
- homeopathy - medicine - marketing - herbalism - health industry -Aoraki Polytechnic has paid former naturopathy students $515 000 for falsely advertising their course had degree status. The students were seeking $4 million in compensation. The long-running dispute ... (90 words)
Category: News
- rewards - marketing - education - alternative health treatments -Broadcasting Standards and... Vicki Hyde told the Conference how the Skeptics' complaint to the Broadcasting Standards Authority had progressed. The story so far... As outlined in the last issue ... (1839 words)
Category: Features
- alien abduction - media reporting - marketing -Jay Mann delivered this address with accompanying liquid refreshment (with and without MSG) at last year's conference. A large number of food manufacturers seem to be selling their food on the basis ... (2072 words)
Category: Features
- food - marketing - scientific explanations -When I received through the mail a coloured brochure from Time/Life advertising a series of videos and cassettes titled "Growing Younger", I was surprised to see that I could learn from Time/Life via ... (616 words)
Category: Features
- charlatans - legislation - marketing -A Sprite in your Spirit, a Bogle in your Benzine, a Fury in your Fuel, a Greyhound in your Gasoline. With acknowledgement to the oil company which, many years ago, urged us to "Put a Tiger in your ... (500 words)
Category: Features
- environmental issues - machines - marketing - inventions -