A while ago I was contacted by an older gentleman, Cedric, who told me over the phone that he'd heard me on the show and wanted to know if I was interested in a theory he has about the origins of the ... (500 words)
Category: News
- pseudoscience - history - māori -Do we really need a name change? Given that we're called the NZ Skeptics in virtually all instances-our website, journal, the flyers, the publicity posters etc-do we need to go through a formal ... (775 words)
Category: Forum
- conferences - cam - critical appraisal - maccah - māori -A visit to the birthplace of science prompts some thoughts on spatial and temporal patterns in alternative medicine. There is no special reason for skeptics in New Zealand to follow news from ... (817 words)
Category: Columns
- alternative health treatments - cancer - alternative medicine - māori - traditional therapies -Keith Garratt's critique of genealogy (New Zealand Skeptic 77) is a strange mix of arguments. He purports to be addressing genealogy "as normally practised" or "as often practised" but offers no ... (1507 words)
Category: Forum
- television shows - genealogy - gender - māori - television - psychics -