How should a skeptic relate to those who have other belief systems? What does a skeptic and atheist do when they are part of a broader group that is quite loose on empirical evidence and critical ... (908 words)
Category: Features
- education - new age - public pressure - ethics - loonies -Scientologists get government money A drug awareness programme run by the Church of Scientology has received government funding to spread its views through schools and community groups (Sunday Star ... (1174 words)
Category: News
- cancer - homeopathy - scientology - loonies -Psychic and TVNZ join forces to profit from child's disappearance When Sensing Murder psychic Deb Webber announced on TV One's Breakfast show that missing Auckland toddler Aisling Symes was in "a ... (1282 words)
Category: News
- chiropractors - clairvoyants - court hearings - sightings - loonies - medium - scientology - urban myths -