
"Energised Water" turns out to be much the same as the other kind Grander water indeed, than the ordinary stuff from the tap; Europeans are paying more than the equivalent of $NZ20 per litre for it. ... (577 words)

Category: Features

- testing claims - scientific explanations - inventions -

John Riddell learns to his cost that fishermen can be as easy to catch as the creatures they pursue I have a confession to make. I've been taken in by a scam. Normally this shouldn't be cause for ... (1385 words)

Category: Columns

- charlatans - hoaxes - human nature - inventions - testing claims -

John Riddell has a few confessions to make. I struggled out of bed this morning on the first day of the two thousandth year since nothing in particular happened. Rather than watch millenium ... (1192 words)

Category: Columns

- pseudoscience - inventions -

I have just visited another universe; it seems a much more interesting place than the dull old world we are forced to inhabit. "What is it like?" you ask eagerly, "and how did you get there?" ... (464 words)

Category: Features

- charlatans - witch hunts - inventions - environmental issues -

A Sprite in your Spirit, a Bogle in your Benzine, a Fury in your Fuel, a Greyhound in your Gasoline. With acknowledgement to the oil company which, many years ago, urged us to "Put a Tiger in your ... (500 words)

Category: Features

- environmental issues - machines - marketing - inventions -