Strange Worlds

I have just visited another universe; it seems a much more interesting place than the dull old world we are forced to inhabit.

"What is it like?" you ask eagerly, "and how did you get there?" "Simple," I reply, "I just walked into Whitcoulls, paid $5.95, and there it was, between the covers of the magazine called Nexus."

"And what is so special about the Nexus world?"

Well, for a start, the laws of thermodynamics are very different. That tiresome thing about conservation of energy, and the impossibility of perpetual motion machines, does not hold here. Carl Cella, of California, gives detailed drawings for a water-fuelled car. Throw away the petrol tank and replace it with a plastic water container, connect a 12-volt battery across the pipe carrying the water, and hey presto, electrolysis splits it into hydrogen and oxygen, the former offering a clean-burning fuel to drive the vehicle. By fitting a condenser in the exhaust, you can collect the water formed by combustion of the hydrogen in the engine, and so need hardly ever top up the fuel tank, even though the fuel is free anyway! So much handier than here on dreary old Earth, where the energy obtained by burning the hydrogen must always be less than that expended in producing it from water in the first place.

All this for less than $6! But there's more. Medical doctors in Nexusland are very different from our doctors. Here, pathologists and other experts are fairly unanimous in deriding as a clumsy fake the supposed "autopsy" on the creature said to be from the crash site in Roswell, New Mexico. Nexus medics find it genuine, and discuss learnedly whether the operator was a pathologist or a surgeon.

In this world, evaluation of the results of remote viewing experiments has been equivocal; in Nexusland remote viewing (RV) is well established, and, more spookily, they also have remote mind-control technology. Just think how useful RV was to our hunter-gatherer ancestors, and what a pity that the "psi-gene" which endowed them with this faculty was bred out of the human race when all those poor women were burnt at the stake.

Did you think alchemy, the search for the elixir of life and the philosopher's stone was dead these many centuries, buried by chemical science? Not in Nexus world; here, they have discovered a wonderful substance, at the same time an electrical superconductor and a cure for cancer and Aids. What more could twentieth century humanity wish for? Watch for the name of the discoverer, David Hudson, in the next list of Nobel Laureates (but don't hold your breath).

Enough, enough of these marvels, though Nexus has more (pyramidology, cerealogy, etc). Back to our humdrum life on Earth, and the continuing struggle of the skeptic against nonsense.

Reference: Nexus, vol.3, no. 6; Oct/Nov 1996