intelligent design
Alison Campbell looks at a new 'resource' for New Zealand schools, helpfully provided by the creationist movement. A little while ago Ken Perrott, who writes the Open Parachute blog, alerted me to an ... (544 words)
Category: Columns
- biology - education - evolution - creationists - intelligent design -Evolution - What the Fossils Say and Why It Matters. Donald R Prothero, Columbia University Press. Reviewed by Louette McInnes. If your local library doesn't have this book, go out right now and ... (414 words)
Category: Reviews
- evolution - book - biology - scientific explanations - fossils - intelligent design -Mike Palin queries the judging criteria in a recent high school science video competition. A blatant anti-evolution DVD has been "commended" by the Royal Society of New Zealand ... (415 words)
Category: Features
- creation science - evolution - creationists - intelligent design -Female 'sorcerers' tortured and murdered Four Papua New Guinea women, believed by fellow villagers to have used sorcery to cause a fatal road crash, were tortured with hot metal rods to confess, then ... (1225 words)
Category: News
- alternative health treatments - herbal medicine - alternative medicine - sorcery - vitamins - red netting - intelligent design - john of god -A knockout blow for evolution turns out to be nothing of the sort AS JBS Haldane famously said, God must have an inordinate fondness for beetles, he made so many of them. Of all the tens of thousands ... (714 words)
Category: Features
- evolution - creationists - intelligent design - bombadier beetle -Demands for equal time cut both ways. Armies of the night, science-writer and novelist Isaac Asimov once called them. He was referring to the countless millions of evangelicals who believe the book ... (790 words)
Category: Features
- evolution - creation science - education - intelligent design -Intelligent Design ruled a pretext for religion in the classroom In a decision which sets an important precedent for US science education, a court has ruled against the teaching of the theory of ... (1338 words)
Category: News
- alien abduction - evolution - education - religious belief - buddha - bermuda triangle - creationists - intelligent design -The decision by Judge John Jones ruling that the promotion of Intelligent Design (ID) in schools is a violation of the constitutional ban on teaching religion, is at least a temporary victory for ... (446 words)
Category: Editorial
- education - religious belief - intelligent design -