herbal medicine

A new group advocating a strong basis in rigorous science for the provision of safe and effective healthcare has been established in New Zealand. Mark Hanna explains. There is a lot of medical ... (930 words)

Category: Features

- alternative health treatments - biodynamics - chiropractors - health industry - alternative medicine - herbal medicine - homeopathy - media responsibility -

Hormone supplements derived from plants are widely promoted as more 'natural' than hormones from horses, but they carry the same risks - and some more of their own. The New Zealand Menopause ... (786 words)

Category: Features

- alternative health treatments - chemicals - flawed research - health industry - natural products - chemistry - dietary supplements - herbal medicine - pharmaceuticals -

Alison Campbell thinks there are better ways to lose weight than one recently touted option. As I've said previously, I find Facebook good for keeping up with friends and family, and profoundly ... (646 words)

Category: Columns

- alternative health treatments - marketing - natural products - alternative medicine - herbal medicine -

As part of the Memorandum of Understanding between the National and Green parties, the Ministry of Health has been developing proposals for a natural health products scheme to regulate such products ... (396 words)

Category: Editorial

- alternative health treatments - health industry - natural products - alternative medicine - herbal medicine - pharmaceuticals -

Female 'sorcerers' tortured and murdered Four Papua New Guinea women, believed by fellow villagers to have used sorcery to cause a fatal road crash, were tortured with hot metal rods to confess, then ... (1225 words)

Category: News

- alternative health treatments - herbal medicine - alternative medicine - sorcery - vitamins - red netting - intelligent design - john of god -

Debunking debriefing It has become a cliché that whenever something bad happens, a horde of counsellors descend on the survivors to make their lives a misery. It's true. Counselling does make you ... (1122 words)

Category: Columns

- placebo effect - psychology - alternative health treatments - counselling - herbal medicine - traditional therapies - placebos - iridology - reflexology -

Dark Eddies in the Mainstream So-called conventional medicine isn't immune to nonsense. I do not confine myself to examining the conduct of alternative medicine. The conventional medical literature ... (1071 words)

Category: Columns

- herbalism - faith healing - placebo effect - homeopathy - herbal medicine - alternative medicine - grapefruit seed extract - saw palmetto - antimicrobial - expectorants - anti-tussives - traditional therapies -

Of feeding tubes and foetuses Now that Terri Schiavo has been allowed to die peacefully there is an opportunity to reflect on the matter free from the hysteria and religious arguments advanced as an ... (1304 words)

Category: Columns

- alternative health treatments - herbalism - hysteria - ethics - lyprinol - ritilin - herbal medicine - stem cells - adhd - foetuses -