
The Regent Theatre in Dunedin is in the news again, as it's been flooded. This is unfortunate, as it appears that someone accidentally left a tap on that has caused damage to carpets and the ceiling. ... (242 words)

Category: News

- pseudoscience - ghost -

After a ghost was spotted in a picture of a mirror being sold in a TradeMe auction, Wendy McCawe from Wellington Photographic Supplies quickly spotted that the "ghost" in question was actually a ... (142 words)

Category: News

- pseudoscience - ghost -

Debbie Merrick bought a doll for £5 and then placed the doll on eBay, after making international news by talking about the doll being haunted. Apparently the doll scratched Debbie's husband, although ... (407 words)

Category: News

- pseudoscience - ghost -

Bobby brown has spoken out about having sex with a ghost! "I bought this mansion in Georgia ... this was a really, really spooky place. But yes, one time, I woke up, and yeah, a ghost. I was being ... (158 words)

Category: News

- pseudoscience - ghost -

House Network in the UK is offering a ghost-free home certification service, and they point to a report that says that: Houses can sell for up to 20% less than market value, and twice as hard to ... (136 words)

Category: News

- pseudoscience - ghost -

Regent theatre, Dunedin, playing Phantom of the Opera. A crew member felt their trousers being tugged, the bottom of someone's seat was kicked, a chandelier prop worked intermittently, and a hat was ... (94 words)

Category: News

- pseudoscience - ghost -