Skeptical Thoughts

Mark Honeychurch

The Regent Theatre in Dunedin is in the news again, as it's been flooded. This is unfortunate, as it appears that someone accidentally left a tap on that has caused damage to carpets and the ceiling. ... (242 words)

Category: News

- pseudoscience - ghost -
Mark Honeychurch

Kelvin Cruickshank, one of our famous local psychics who has appeared on Sensing Murder, has "helped" a family to locate the body of "Curly" - an elderly gentleman called Raymond Stirling who went ... (260 words)

Category: News

- pseudoscience - psychic -
Mark Honeychurch

A quack Chinese doctor from Australia has opened up a clinic in Auckland, to better serve his kiwi patients. Shuquan Liu will likely be selling his weight loss herbal diet in NZ, which consists of ... (235 words)

Category: News

- pseudoscience - doctor -
Mark Honeychurch

7 Sharp have interviewed Marta Fisch on Waiheke Island, who has built an ugly looking metal box - three side walls - in her garden, to keep out "radiation". Radiation in this sense is the kind of ... (266 words)

Category: News

- pseudoscience - radiation -