
… then there's little hope for the world, says Alison Campbell, who attends far too many meetings. Fortunately however, that may not be the case. I attend a lot of meetings; that's the nature of my ... (512 words)

Category: Columns

- assumptions - experiments - media reporting - conferences - critical appraisal - investigation -

Eyewitness testimony is commonly regarded as very high quality evidence. But recent research has shown there are many ways memories of events can become contaminated. This article is based on a ... (1298 words)

Category: Features

- assumptions - crime - eye witnesses - experiments - witnesses - memory - investigation -

Annette Taylor learns it's not enough to have your cake, you have to test it too. The Yuletide has well and truly washed up at our place, much food has been eaten and we are still in recovery mode, ... (520 words)

Category: Features

- assumptions - double-blind trials - experiments - food - research - urban myths - dietary supplements -

One possible source of the outlandish reports given by children in cases such as the Christchurch Civic Creche affair was described at the 2003 Skeptics' Conference. In recent years the western media ... (478 words)

Category: Features

- memory - counselling techniques - experiments -

Should we trust psychologists and psychiatrists, especially as expert witnesses in court cases? This is an important question because, depending on their opinions, a person can inherit vast sums of ... (412 words)

Category: Features

- court hearings - psychology - experiments -

Death was "the Biggest Gift" A Feng Shui practitioner who died while on a life mastery course in Fiji was ready to leave his body, his widow believes. Stephanie Challis, pictured in the Nelson Mail ... (1345 words)

Category: News

- new age - experiments - scientific explanations - religious belief - genetics - homeopathy -

Whether or not you believe in the paranormal may depend entirely on your brain chemistry. People with high levels of dopamine are more likely to find significance in coincidences, and pick out ... (336 words)

Category: Features

- scientific explanations - experiments - chemicals -

John Riddell learns about some dangerous chemicals From the TV3 News website: CHIPS COULD CAUSE CANCER UPDATED: 05:56PM WEDNESDAY 26 JUNE The World Health Organisation has begun a three-day emergency ... (677 words)

Category: Columns

- experiments - food - scientific method -

In the second of a two-part series, Jim Ring looks at what evidence means to different people Scientific evidence is often difficult to interpret, in medicine in particular. 'An Unfortunate ... (1322 words)

Category: Features

- disease - scientific method - public pressure - ethics - experiments -