
A heartstring-tugging appeal in the NZ Herald doesn't tell the full story. Jesse Bessant is a little boy from Auckland with a very rare brain tumour. He has a ganglioglioma, a tumour that arises from ... (765 words)

Category: Columns

- cancer - charlatans - medicine - doctors - drugs -

A therapy marketed as a guaranteed way to stop smoking appears to lack a sound theoretical basis and to have little experimental support. As health researchers in the field of tobacco smoking ... (2402 words)

Category: Features

- biodynamics - alternative health treatments - health industry - alternative medicine - drugs - pharmaceuticals -

Placebos may contain no active ingredients, but they have real effects on the human brain. This article is based on a presentation to the NZ Skeptics 2008 conference in Hamilton, September 26-28. ... (2648 words)

Category: Features

- assumptions - biodynamics - medicine - placebo effect - drugs - placebos - pharmaceuticals -

Many pharmaceuticals originate from nature, but their development is very different from that of so-called natural health products. This article was originally presented at the 2005 Skeptics ... (1839 words)

Category: Features

- medicine - natural products - drugs - pharmaceuticals -