NZ Skeptics Conference The NZ Skeptics conference was a great success, with a quiz on the Friday night and a weekend of fascinating talks. We gave all the attendees a bag of alternative medicine ... (339 words)
Category: News
- pseudoscience - dowsing -Few events have so captured the local imagination as the search for a thermal bore near Methven. Word of the search spread after a drilling rig appeared in a paddock. Nothing unusual in rigs -- they ... (246 words)
Category: News
- dowsing -A $110,000 prize offered by Australian Skeptics Incorporated is safe after testing a world record number of water diviners at Mitta Mitta on Sunday. A total of 52 diviners, or dowsers, used an array ... (335 words)
Category: News
- dowsing - testing claims -James Randi has demonstrated that a water diviner has a 94% chance of success in finding water for the simple reason that 94% of the land surface has fresh water immediately below its surface. The ... (640 words)
Category: Features
- dowsing -Creationist Tactics I am sure Jim Ring is correct when he says we are on the winning side of the creationist battle [Forum, Summer 1997], but there is no room for complacency. As he says, the ... (1298 words)
Category: Forum
- dowsing - homeopathy - creation science - politics -Have you ever had a go at water divining? You wander around with a forked stick until it points to water. It's good fun, but you have to watch for passing clouds or you might poke your eye out. Or at ... (1193 words)
Category: Columns
- dowsing - charlatans - testing claims -