Skeptical Thoughts

Mark Honeychurch

Daniel Ryan from the Society for Science Based Healthcare wrote a study looking at acupuncture advertising in NZ. He ran a targeted search for New Zealand websites making claims about being able to ... (265 words)

Category: News

- acupuncture -
Mark Honeychurch

Sir Peter Gluckman, the PM's Science Advisor, says that NZ has a science denial problem, but that it's no worse than the rest of the world. Peter thinks that social media bubbles are contributing to ... (74 words)

Category: News

- science -
Mark Honeychurch

NZ Skeptics Conference The NZ Skeptics conference was a great success, with a quiz on the Friday night and a weekend of fascinating talks. We gave all the attendees a bag of alternative medicine ... (339 words)

Category: News

- pseudoscience - dowsing -
Mark Honeychurch

In a recent article Cracked dot com has pointed out flaws in several popular conspiracy theories. The first one I've been telling people for years - that if the moon landing was faked, the Russians ... (282 words)

Category: News

- conspiracy - science -