diagnosis techniques
Sex abuse article missing content? I've just been reading my Summer 2012 edition of New Zealand Skeptic, but I think there is a piece missing from my version. On page 15-17 there is an article by ... (519 words)
Category: Forum
- diagnosis techniques - sexual abuse - natural products - counselling -ACC's best-practice guidelines for identifying cases of sexual abuse are not credible. Twenty years ago, New Zealand had a mere handful of people who claimed to be 'counsellors'. Now they number in ... (1301 words)
Category: Features
- sexual abuse - scientific method - crime - diagnosis techniques - counselling -Proponents of alternative therapies often throw around charges of vested interest when challenged. But often their own interests don't bear scrutiny. As this is the first of what I hope will be a ... (1042 words)
Category: Columns
- alternative health treatments - chemicals - diagnosis techniques - alternative medicine - ayurvedic medicine - complementary medicine -This article is a response to 'Truth is the daughter of time, and not of authority': Aspects of the Cartwright Affair by Martin Wallace, NZ Skeptic 96. The Cartwright Inquiry1 was held after the ... (2926 words)
Category: Features
- cancer - diagnosis techniques - doctors - investigation -Poison for Profit There is something rotten in the state of China, a country where greedy people are quite happy to poison their own citizens in the name of profit. Milk powder is assayed for protein ... (1154 words)
Category: Columns
- alternative health treatments - diagnosis techniques - alternative medicine -Selenium - Too Much of a Good Thing? New Zealand soils are deficient in selenium and this can cause serious health problems for animals. A 500kg animal needs about 1mg selenium daily. There is no ... (1259 words)
Category: Columns
- alternative health treatments - chemicals - diagnosis techniques - double-blind trials - herbalism - homeopathy - natural products -Confidence Based Medicine This is restricted to surgeons. British homeopath suspended The British General Medical Council (GMC) has found family practitioner Michelle Langdon guilty of serious ... (986 words)
Category: Columns
- homeopathy - alternative health treatments - diagnosis techniques - psychogenic illness -Biokinetic Horror Show A Hamilton doctor is facing two charges of professional misconduct and one of disgraceful conduct after one of his patients was left looking "like something out of a horror ... (1131 words)
Category: News
- charlatans - diagnosis techniques - miracles - religious belief - new age - clairvoyants -