ACC's best-practice guidelines for identifying cases of sexual abuse are not credible. Twenty years ago, New Zealand had a mere handful of people who claimed to be 'counsellors'. Now they number in ... (1301 words)
Category: Features
- sexual abuse - scientific method - crime - diagnosis techniques - counselling -Many people lost a lot of money investing in non-existent data compression software because well:established principles of information theory were ignored. This article is based on a presentation to ... (3162 words)
Category: Features
- court hearings - charlatans - crime - critical appraisal - fraud - investigation -Eyewitness testimony is commonly regarded as very high quality evidence. But recent research has shown there are many ways memories of events can become contaminated. This article is based on a ... (1298 words)
Category: Features
- assumptions - crime - eye witnesses - experiments - witnesses - memory - investigation -Save the rocks, say Celt theorists THOSE zany Ancient Celt people never give up, do they? Now they're campaigning to protect some boulders on a hillside at Silverdale, north of Auckland, due to be ... (1095 words)
Category: News
- alternative health treatments - crime - history - creationists - exorcism - paranormal -Psychic scammer Maria Duval failed to foresee trouble over 'her' misleading advertisements. The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) is funded by the advertising and media industries, and has the ... (572 words)
Category: Features
- clairvoyants - psychics - advertising - charlatans - crime -Diffidence based medicine Some doctors see a problem and look for an answer. Others merely see a problem. The diffident doctor may do nothing from sense of despair. This, of course, may be better ... (914 words)
Category: Columns
- indigenous knowledge - psychogenic illness - crime - hysteria - media reporting - placebo effect -Damian Thompson argues that a tangle of folklore and urban legend, allied to a particular horror of paedophilia, has blinded many to the scientific facts Ritual satanic abuse is back. In March, a ... (1043 words)
Category: Features
- sexual abuse - religious belief - crime - psychology -A man charged with threatening to poison food produced by Dick Smith has been refused bail in the Rockhampton Magistrates Court in central Queensland. Graham Andrew Cooper, 30, is charged with trying ... (163 words)
Category: News
- crime - food - psychics -We have made a big mistake. Hitting Home is careful, thorough, mainstream scientific research. It may be alarming, but it is not, as we said, "alarmist". It is a serious attempt to measure men's ... (1528 words)
Category: Features
- bent spoon award - flawed research - crime -A detective with long experience in tracing missing persons gave the 1993 Skeptics Conference the word on how useful psychics are in police work. During the last 25 years a number of police ... (1424 words)
Category: Features
- predictions - coincidence - clairvoyants - crime -