Tony Vignaux

Tony Vignaux

On Saturday, July 10, Cynthia Shakespeare died in a car accident on the way to a tramping trip. With her death we have lost a wonderfully enthusiastic and energetic member of the Skeptics. She ... (342 words)

Category: News

- biographies -
Tony Vignaux

With this issue we farewell our editor Keith Lockett, who has served us so well in the nurturing and development of the New Zealand Skeptic. We have all seen how, from modest beginnings, the ... (301 words)

Tony Vignaux

For those of us who cannot communicate by paranormal means, email is a useful alternative to letters, FAX, and phone calls. The US CSICOP is compiling an Electronic Mail Directory. The most recent ... (127 words)

Tony Vignaux

As you know, we occasionally get copies of the Newsletter of overseas skeptical groups. We recently received a copy of Skeptiker (2) 1989, a beautifully produced newsletter from Germany. If any ... (41 words)

Tony Vignaux

Keith Lockett, our hard-pressed and indefatigable Editor, has particular difficulty in getting good material for the NZ Skeptic and it turns out that he is not alone in his editorial problems. One ... (620 words)

Tony Vignaux

A very short note this time as space is limited. Over the holiday period we had a letter published in the New Scientist and others in local papers. Please keep those cuttings flowing in to Phil ... (147 words)

Tony Vignaux

For those who were not at the AGM in Auckland, I should tell you that I was elected as Chairman and Phil Bradley as Secretary at that meeting. Other Committee members are listed elsewhere in this ... (549 words)