From the Chairman

A very short note this time as space is limited.

Over the holiday period we had a letter published in the New Scientist and others in local papers. Please keep those cuttings flowing in to Phil Bradley , the archivist, as we must keep a record of NZ happenings. We sent an observer to a demonstration by an Americal Crystal-healer in Auckland. I hope a report on the visit will appear in this journal.

I received a list of NZ subscribers to Skeptical Inquirer with a request to correct addresses. Analysis shows that SI is taken by 43 of our members (out of a total of 176 in December 1988) and only five publicly funded libraries. Several University libraries used to subscribe but have dropped out.

Now the slow season is over the Christchurch team are starting to prepare for the Annual Conference in August.

W.J. Morris. 28 November, 1988. ea