Jay D Mann
Jay Mann is a plant biochemist with a life-long interest in edible plants.
Jay D Mann
Presenting numbers with excessive and artifical precision in product labels, newspaper articles and report tables does nothing for scientific credibility and sows confusion in the mind of the reader. ... (1889 words)
Category: Features
Jay D Mann
Some risks in life are distributed throughout a population, others are all-or-nothing. There's a big difference. This article is based on a presentation to last year's Skeptics Conference. Many ... (2399 words)
Category: Features
- testing claims - statistics - raabe - normal distribution - upper boundary -Jay D Mann
Just once in a while, speaking up can make a difference. As I entered my favourite local pharmacy, I was disturbed to read a sign on the window announcing that a certain iridologist would be holding ... (418 words)
Category: Editorial
Jay D Mann
Jay Mann delivered this address with accompanying liquid refreshment (with and without MSG) at last year's conference. A large number of food manufacturers seem to be selling their food on the basis ... (2072 words)
Category: Features
- food - marketing - scientific explanations -Jay D Mann
What is the link between chemicals and cancer? Forty years ago, Bruce Ames was a young microbiologist working at NIH in the day and enjoying Scottish country dancing in the evening, when he had an ... (2498 words)
Category: Features
- chemicals - disease - testing claims - environmental issues -Jay D Mann
On Thursday, 19 August 1993, the Christchurch Press carried a full-page advertisement for the initial New Zealand opening of the "Matrol Opportunity". The product, Matrol-Km, was described as "a ... (1897 words)
Category: Features
- biology - herbalism - medicine -Jay D Mann
Most people have great difficulty in conceptualising low frequencies and low concentrations. Pesticide concentrations are reported in parts per million (ppm), parts per billion (ppb) and parts per ... (1065 words)
Jay D Mann
Despite recent claims that "natural" foods are safer, there is evidence that "natural" pesticides can be present at much higher concentrations than residues from synthetic pesticides. These "natural" ... (2915 words)