Therapeutic Products Bill, M3GAN and Bad science, Ānanda Mārga cult

Hi there

This is my first newsletter for the year. I had an enjoyable Christmas and New Year and had some nice time off from work.

Mark started off the newsletter last week with a Happy New Year to all, with a bunch of great content from several contributors. We would love to have more people write content for the newsletter, so if you've got something in mind or on your mind, please let us know - email

We also resumed our podcast recording this week, and it was an interesting episode to record. We covered several topics, but spent a lot of time exploring the new AI sensation ChatGPT. The discussion was lively - (you can listen here). I think the technology is fascinating, and potentially very useful. It's fascinating to watch AI creep into our lives, and it makes me wonder what life will be like in the next decade and how it will affect lives (and jobs!)

And, speaking of AI, I watched the recently released movie: M3GAN, which I give a brief review of.

You may not be aware, but the Therapeutic Products Bill, a replacement for the dated Medicines Act and Dietary Supplements Regulations from last century, is making its way through the select committee process, with submissions due by the middle of February. I spend a bit of time on this below, with assistance from new committee member Katrina.

Our regular contributor, Alexander Maxwell wrote an interesting item about contrasting perspectives of people defending their religion, to skeptics coming to the defence of science. I've got an item below from another previous contributor - Al Blenny - responding to that item.

Finally, regular contributor Bronwyn Rideout has another item from NZ's skeptical history, talking about the Ānanda Mārga group.


Craig Shearer

There's a new bill being introduced to parliament that is intended to replace our Medicines Act 1981 and the Dietary Supplements Regulations 1985. The bill is the Therapeutic Products Bill (TPB) and ... (2741 words)

Category: News

Craig Shearer

Today I satisfied one of my pleasures - watching horror movies - and viewed M3GAN (obviously pronounced Megan) which opened late last week. I'd categorise the movie as science-fiction horror with a ... (386 words)

Category: News

Alistair Blenney

By Al Blenney “All Scotsmen like whusky!” “Jock's a Scotsman, and he doesna' like whusky.” “Aye, but then he's nae true Scotsman” The “No true Scotsman” gambit is an attempt to make an unwanted ... (716 words)

Category: News

Craig Shearer

By Bronwyn Rideout Source| Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar As Mark and I continue to chip away at the NZ Skeptical Calendar project, my search for fringe groups in the Papers Past database introduced me to ... (1707 words)

Category: News