Just Say No to NNN

November is fast approaching, which means that our annual conference is not far away - just 5 weeks to go! We're currently gathering the bios and talk abstracts of our speakers for this year, so check out the website if you're tempted to join us for the weekend. Early bird prices finish at the end of October, so book soon if you want to save a few dollars!

November is also the month for NNN - No Nut November. This week I take a look at some weird internet cultures, starting with the NoFap movement. From there I jump to the red pill group, and then on to incel culture. Sadly it turns out that these silly beliefs are far from just being benign.

I've been wanting to get to a Shincheonji cult meeting for a few years now, and by the looks of recent news it sounds like they're currently out recruiting, so I may get the chance to experience the group soon. As I was reading about them, I figured I'd write about them and another scary South Korean Christian group they reminded me of.

Finally in this week's newsletter we have a great article from occasional contributor Alexander Maxwell, where he looks into a very specific measurement within phrenology - and points out that, unsurprisingly, it's all just pseudoscientific nonsense. But, in what I'm sure will be a surprise to nobody, it's more insidious than just being wrong.