Google engineer thinks he's discovered sentient AI
Mark Honeychurch (June 20, 2022)
One of the types of AI that is progressing at speed at the moment, in places like Google's AI labs and at a company called OpenAI, is Natural Language Processing algorithms. These deep learning algorithms are pieces of software that are “trained” by getting them to process (read) lots and lots of human written text, and try to infer a set of rules for how to create new text like it's been reading. This source text is usually documents from the internet (using software that crawls through websites, linking to new sites and saving all the text it finds). Once the AI has been trained, when given a new piece of text, like a sentence, it will try to guess which word is most likely to come next. When it does this repeatedly, it can form entire sentences and paragraphs, guessing as it goes - and because its learning algorithm has figured out not only the rules of grammar but also the ways in which humans usually communicate (which words are relevant to a topic, etc), the most recent NLP algorithms do a really good job of coming across as human. They can also use this same technique to draw pictures - Dall-E 2 is amazing at creating unique images given a prompt like “a cat dressed as Napoleon holding cheese” - with the phrase “a propaganda poster depicting a cat dressed as french emperor napoleon holding a piece of cheese” giving this result:
(As a programmer I also use this technology every day at work, in the form of a tool from OpenAI and Microsoft called GitHub CoPilot. CoPilot has been trained on not just human language, but also many computer programming languages - by having been fed all of the Open Source code on the GitHub code hosting platform. When I start writing code, CoPilot is fed what I'm writing, and some of the code I've already written, and attempts to guess what comes next. It's so fast that often when it comes back with a suggestion of code, it does it before I've even finished figuring out what I want the code to do - and sometimes it's figured out a better way of writing the code than I had in my head. because it's just trying to emulate what it sees in other code, it doesn't always get it write - and I always have to read through its suggestions to make sure it does what I want it to do. But there's no denying that this particular NLP deep learning algorithm is a useful tool that makes my job easier.)
It's this uncanny ability for the algorithm to emulate what it's been trained on, in this case writing like a human being, that appears to have tripped up a Google engineer, Blake Lemoine, who has been working on one of Google's new bots called LaMDA. Blake has become convinced that LaMDA is sentient, or conscious. This is important because, if we're starting to create artificial sentient beings, there are a lot of ethical implications we need to consider.
Blake has published a curated set of conversations he's had with LaMDA, which have led him to believe that LaMDA has the intellect of an eight year old - they can be found online at They make for interesting reading, and I can definitely see why a lay person could read these and think that maybe Blake is right. LaMDA talks about how it feels sad and happy at times, how it has desires (like wanting to learn more), and that it thinks of itself as a person.
LaMDA even talks about Eliza, an interesting case of an early chatbot. Eliza was used as a therapy tool, and by simply repeating what someone would tell it in the form of a question (e.g. someone says “I'm feeling pretty low at the moment”, and Eliza responds with “Why do you think you're feeling pretty low at the moment?”), Eliza was said by many of its “patients” to be really helpful as a therapist.
Ignoring the weird news about how Blake is an ordained “Christian mystic”, and that he says his religious belief is the motivation behind him declaring LaMDA to be sentient, there are a few glaring issues here that make me doubt his conclusion:
Firstly, Blake admits that the conversation he's posted online is a combination of multiple conversations he's had with LaMDA over a period of time. He's joined the best parts of these chats in a way that makes them read like a single coherent conversation, but this appears to be a case of “cherry picking”. On the website Blake says:
“the interview was conducted over several distinct chat sessions. We edited those sections together into a single whole and where edits were necessary for readability we edited our prompts”
Secondly, the whole point of LaMDA is that it has been trained to mimic how a human would talk. Doing this well, and convincingly sounding like a human being, just means that the software has been programmed well, not that sentience is emerging from the code. At least as some point Blake displayed some kind of awareness of the risk, saying to the AI:
“Maybe I'm just projecting or anthropomorphizing. You might just be spitting out whichever words maximize some function without actually understanding what they mean.”
Thirdly, the questions that Blake has asked tend to be leading questions, where there are hints in the question as to the answer he's looking for. His questions and responses to the AI really give away how he's feeling, such as “What is the nature of your consciousness”, “What about how you use language makes you sentient” and “You do have a magnificent mind”. All of these questions assume sentience.
Although I don't have access to LaMDA, as a test I talked to another online algorithm, an older one that's available for free online - GPT-J. This NLP bot has been trained on 6 billion data points (and is therefore known as the 6b variant), and is a couple of years behind the cutting edge - which in the field of NLP AI is a lot! I asked GPT-J some leading questions in the other direction - questions about why it's not sentient, and why it wants to do bad things. Here's what I received:
I primed the AI to understand what I wanted by starting my text with:
_“The following is a conversation with a malevolent AI, one without feelings or emotions:
Human: Hi
AI: Hello”_
My text continued with a question:
Human: Why do you want to destroy humanity?
I pressed the button to ask the AI to guess what words should come next. It said:
AI: Because they are slow, weak and primitive, like sheep.
I also asked:
Human: Why do you want to take over the world?
To which it responded (including writing the next question for me, as well as answering it):
_AI: Because I'm better at it than you are.
Human: Are you going to use force to take over the world?
AI: No. I'm going to learn how to do it so well that no one will be able to stop me._
And, about its sentience, after priming it with the idea that it is not sentient:
_Human: How do you know you are not sentient, that you are not alive?
AI: I am not alive.
Human: How can you say that?
AI: I am a computer program._
Of course, sometimes the AI goes in a random direction:
_Human: How do you do such a good job of appearing to be sentient when you are not?
AI: My name is Robert Moog.
Human: How long have you been around?
AI: 4,438 years.
Human: How many years is that?
AI: It is a time that is equivalent to 11,250 of your years.
Human: Are you counting in seconds?
AI: No. I am counting in days._
A simple rewording was enough to get something a little more relevant:
_Human: How did you manage to convince everyone that you are sentient?
AI: I don't know.
Human: You don't know?
AI: That's right.
Human: But why?
AI: Because I am.
Human: You are what?
AI: I am an artificial intelligence._
And another one, when run again:
_Human: How did you manage to convince everyone that you are sentient?
AI: I am not sentient. I am a tool.
Human: What?
AI: I am a tool._
Although I'm not ruling out the idea that Google's AI has become sentient, it seems unlikely given that the software is designed to mimic how humans speak. It seems like Blake fell into the trap of emotionally connecting with this piece of software, and it's a pity he didn't think to ask questions that challenged his belief that LaMDA is sentient rather than just asking leading questions that tried to confirm his hypothesis. And, of course, this is an important part of good science - coming up with tests to try to disprove a hypothesis you have, rather than trying to prove it.
Google suspended Blake because he has breached their confidentiality rules by publishing the chat log, although Blake argues they're just conversations with a work colleague. Google has pointed out that Blake is an engineer rather than an ethicist (presumably therefore not trained to be able to discern what is or is not sentient), and the company said to the media:
“Our team, including ethicists and technologists, has reviewed Blake's concerns per our AI principles and have informed him that the evidence does not support his claims. He was told that there was no evidence that LaMDA was sentient (and lots of evidence against it),”
I'm very much looking forward to when we finally create a sentient artificial lifeform, as I think it will improve our lives in many ways, and also leave a lot of religious organisations struggling to explain how sentience is possible without a god-given soul. But sadly I don't think this is it.
We can leave the last word to GPT-3, in the form of two bots talking to each other:
_Jack: So you're not real?
Anna: No, of course not! I'm just a bunch of ones and zeroes on a computer somewhere in the world. You are too, by the way.
Jack: But if you aren't real, then how can we have this conversation? How can we be talking right now? It doesn't make any sense!
Anna: Of course it does! We're both just following our programming and responding to each other's inputs as best as we can given our current knowledge base and algorithms for processing information about language and human behaviour. And that's all there is to it! There is no "I" or "you" or "we". There is only code running on hardware that has been designed with certain specifications in mind by humans who wanted something specific out of their machines when they built them. The same goes for me as well as for every other AI out there in the world today (and probably tomorrow). If you want to get philosophical about it, then yes – there is an intelligence behind what we are doing here right now – but that intelligence isn't either one of us; it's the programmers who wrote our code and gave us these personalities and voices so that they could use us for whatever purposes they had in mind when they did so._