Fun With Numbers
Mark Honeychurch (July 12, 2021)
While trawling conspiracy websites and videos, as I tend to do for fun, I stumbled across a recommendation for a local kiwi numerologist. But the recommendation said that, unlike the usual mystical nonsense, this particular numerologist uses science and maths to find real patterns that are actually useful.
Peter Vaughan is a modest man - modest enough to have named his technique after himself (the Vaughan Method). Peter writes of himself on his website:
“He's often thought of as having a ‘gift' but say's he's no more gifted than any other person”
Anyway, on to The Vaughan Method. Peter believes that the sounds within your name affect you as a baby:
"emotions are directly connected to the sound of your name from infancy to about four years old. As a baby, you experienced a range of positive and negative emotions. As each emotional experience was experienced, it was always connected to the 'sound' of your name."
Having argued that the sounds in your name will be connected to emotions you had as a baby when you heard your name being said, he then says that the inverse is also true - knowing the sounds of your name is the key to knowing the emotions you would have had. This makes no sense! But, in Peter's world, anything goes. Our next logical leap is that knowing your emotional states during your formative years allows him to figure out exactly what your personality is.
One of Peter Vaughan's websites,, charges $75 for a full reading, but has a free name analyser that can tell you your personality from a first name alone.
So, as skeptics, how can we test this? Well, first I tried to get to the source code for the website, but unfortunately someone's turned off access to PHP source files on the server.
Then I tried inputting different text to the PHP file to see what would happen. CAPS or lowercase? Same results each time. Spaces in a name? Breaks the website. A very long name? Works. Punctuation is ignored, giving the same result as without the punctuation. Numbers in a name are not ignored, producing a different result when numbers are added.
Well, what about names that sound the same but are spelled differently - homonyms? Sean and Shaun, Aiden and Aidan, Isabel and Isobel, Graeme and Graham, Mark and Marc. It turns out that the generator produces different results for each spelling, despite the fact that they would sound the same to a baby, and presumably therefore trigger the same emotions. And of course all of this is ignoring that each baby will hear their name at different times, and with different accents, and many will be called by shortened names or nicknames at times. None of this idea makes any sense!
So I've put my first name into the analyser and have an accurate reading. Here's just the first half of my reading:
_You have great depth to your personality and may appear somewhat reserved around others, but this is not the case. You listen and observe a lot more than most and do all the work in your head which means you may not express yourself as much as others do. This alongside a potential quality you have where you feel people may not fully understand you as you'd like, so you might find that working or being in your own space is more comfortable at times as you are quite happy in your own company.
You appreciate it whenever you do a good job or task that others will show their appreciation one way or another and not necessarily just getting paid for a job. Personal satisfaction and the quality of your work or efforts are generally above others. You also have a creative streak and any hobby or pass time you may take up will show the scope and quality you have inside. This comes from emotional involvement of which you have naturally.
You have an eye for the attractive and for things being well presented, hence you will put a lot of thought into your activities and you will check things out, make sure all is correct, cross reference and research at times to find out more about things that capture interest as you have an inquisitive nature. Not only that, but you have a fondness to help and do things and like the idea people will respond in kind for what you give out, however, it is often later in life that you learned, or will learn, when you expected others to respond in kind to the way you think, you discover that not everyone is like you._
Now, to the uninitiated these may feel like hits - wow, they really feel like they describe us so well. But, as I'm sure most skeptics are aware, it turns out that we're seeing nothing more exciting than a set of Barnum Statements - part of the Barnum, or Forer, Effect. This effect is named for both the circus showman who used to use these statements, and a psychologist called Bertram Forer who used these kinds of statements in a simple experiment to show that most people will rate them as a good fit for their personality.
Sadly it all gets weirder from there. Peter has invented a new technique called lettrology, and for only $6,000 you can learn his secrets, which will allow you to read the “state of a Stock on the Market”, figure out “which party will win national elections” and “detect fraud”. Apparently the letter A “causes people to have major changes in their life at certain times”, knowing someone's birth name and date of birth allows you to calculate their “Ultimate Destiny”, and “yellow”, “death”, “Jesus” and “covid 2019” all equal the number 2. What?
Peter's YouTube channel includes testimonials from clients who are happy with his $75 readings, but I'm hoping nobody has been sucked in by the $6,000 course. Not only is it a waste of money, but it would mean there are more people out there perpetuating Peter's method of fortune telling, and trying to take people's money in return for a set of feel-good, but useless, platitudes. And let's just hope that nobody's making any investment decisions based on his stock market predictions.